FAQ Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- Submit application
Apply with a cover letter, CV and certificates/references directly via the open job position on our website. Once we have received your application, you will receive a confirmation email. Candidates applying for positions in Canada must create an account on Dayforce to start the application process. To submit your application, you can upload your resume or manually enter your details and apply for the desired position. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email.
- Internal Screening
We review your application with the relevant department.
- Invitation to job interview
You will receive an invitation to an interview by phone or email. The interview can take place either in person on-site or online. Depending on the position, work simulations may also be required or further rounds of interviews may take place. We will inform you in advance about the details when you receive the invitation.
- Decision by HR and relevant department
We review your application again and then make a decision.
- Acceptance or rejection
You will be contacted by phone as soon as possible. In order to find the right person for a job position, a thorough selection process is necessary. We ask for your understanding that this may take a little longer. In general, you will receive a response within two weeks.
*The application process can vary by company location.
For data protection reasons, applications can only be submitted via our website. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications received by email or mail. If you do not find the right position for you, please use the online unsolicited application.
Please use the possibility of an unsolicited application. If you would like to work for Diamond Aircraft Austria or Austro Engine, please send us a speculative application via our website with all important information about yourself and your preferred areas or interests. If you would like to work at Diamond Aircraft Canada, please send it to jointheteam@diamondaircraft.com.
A good application catches the eye and tells us everything important about you. In a cover letter or letter of motivation, you tell us who you are, why you want to work for Diamond Aircraft or Austro Engine and why you are the ideal addition to our team.
We would like to get to know you as a person, but unfortunately we cannot invite everyone to an interview. Therefore we would be happy to read about your ideas, values, or interests.
Your CV gives us an overview of your education, work experience and knowledge in various areas.
Certificates prove your education and work experience.
*The required documents can vary by company location.
During the interview you will have the opportunity to tell us more about your talents, your motivation, and your willingness to work for Diamond Aircraft and Austro Engine. We will ask you about your experience, skills, and strengths. Convince us with an authentic appearance, interesting questions and interest in our company and products.
Finding the right person for a position requires a thorough selection process. We ask for your understanding that this may take a little longer.
Usually, we will tell you during the interview when you can expect to hear back from us. If this period has elapsed, please contact the colleagues who interviewed you by email.
Every year, we offer the opportunity to complete compulsory internships in the areas of engineering or production. If there are internship positions available, they will be advertised on our website.
As an intern you are a valuable member of the Diamond Aircraft and Austro Engine family as well and you will of course be paid according to our collective agreement.
Unfortunately, it has been brought to our attention that scammers - especially in the USA - try to get people's personal data. They unjustifiably offer jobs at Diamond Aircraft that do not exist or sometimes even jobs that are visible on our website in order to achieve their goals. They also sometimes ask for advance payments for interviews.
Please do not give these scammers any information about your person! We would never ask for any payments for a job interview. If in doubt, please get in touch with us.
All open positions can be found on our website. We are only looking for employees in Wiener Neustadt, Austria; Egelsbach, Germany; London, Ontario, Canada or China – never in the US.

Any Questions?
Please check out our frequently asked questions where you find answers regarding a lot of topics.
Any further questions?
Do not hesitate to contact our HR teams in Austria or Canada.