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AIRPOWER24 – Goosebumps Over Zeltweg

The wet conditions on the first morning of AIRPOWER24 didn’t dampen the mood of the visiting public, who cheered through the rain for the Diamond Aircraft formation led by Chief Pilot Martin Scherrer in our iconic DA50 RG ‘Tango Whiskey’ demonstrator.

Diamond Aircraft’s flight crew were first up on the daily program of Europe’s largest airshow – held this year for the 11th time in Zeltweg, Austria. Diamond was airborne straight after the official opening. Flanking Scherrer were pilots Stefan Pölzlbauer and Mathias Hutterer in a DA62 and DA42-VI respectively.

“It gives me the goosebumps to see you all down there from the cockpit,” said Scherrer over the public announcement system, broadcast to applauds from the AIRPOWER spectators as our aircraft came in to land. The inimitable Stefan Jäger had provided the commentary for Diamond Aircraft’s performance.

AIRPOWER24 was held this year on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th September at the Austrian Air Force’s Hinterstoisser Air Base. The motto this year: “Flying. Freedom. Enthusiasm.” As always, the enthusiasm was palpable.

In addition to our formation flight, Diamond was also present with our newest DA62 demonstrator and a DART aerobatic trainer prototype, both on static display. Our special mission department also took part in this year’s Technology and Business Exhibition, held on the margins of the airshow. 

We’d like to thank the Austrian Armed Forces for once again staging such an impressive show!



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