Coming Soon
DART Aerobatic Turboprop Trainer
The DART-750 will be a civil certified all composite aerobatic turboprop trainer in tandem seat configuration, equipped with state-of-the-art avionics and a powerful turboprop engine. Based on the DART-750, Diamond is offering a DART Basic Training Solution, comprising the aircraft, a proprietary DART FNPT II Simulator and DART CBT (Computer Based Training) experience.

The DART-750 is our next massive push into being the only aircraft manufacturer to offer the full range for basic flight training - reaching its peak with this soon fully EASA certified DART-750 aerobatic trainer.
Preliminary Technical Specifications
Highlights Outstanding Training Platform
Features Top-notch cockpit
The DART's cockpit concept includes a real and fully independent tandem G3000 dual glass cockpit with an extraordinary surround view canopy. The Garmin G3000 dual glass cockpit features touchscreen control, 14.1-inch diagonal WXGA high-resolution cockpit displays, 5.7-inch high-resolution GTC 575, Synthetic Vision Technology, extended 16:9 width-to-height ratio.
Propulsion Proven propulsion system
The DART-750 will be powered by the proven and certified 750 SHP PT6A-25C turboprop engine from Pratt & Whitney Canada. The engine is featuring protection systems such as torque limiter and overspeed governor. The engine drives a five blade, full feather natural composite MT propeller.
Known for its broad power range, dependability and proven performance in all flying conditions and environments, the PT6A engine family is in a class of its own having flown more than 425 million hours, building upon the experience gained within the entire Pratt & Whitney Canada fleet at over 900 million flying hours. The PT6A has seen 120 enhancements made in the past 10 years alone, and more than 50,000 engines have been produced; 25,000 of them still fly. The PT6 turboprop is the benchmark in reliability and is considered to be the most versatile turboprop engine in General Aviation, which speaks to its dependable performance in single- and twin-engine aircraft.
Safety Safety by design
Diamond’s industry-leading safety record is the result of our commitment to protecting you with a long list of active and passive safety features.
Active safety features help to avoid accidents in the first place, the first and most important line of defense. Passive safety features are designed to minimize the probability and degree of injury, just in case the unexpected happens.
Training Advanced training
With the DART Basic Training Solution, we are covering all phases of basic training including GBTS (Ground Based Training Systems) and BTA (Basic Trainer Aircraft).

Significantly increase your student capacity and training efficiency with the DART-750 Simulator. Train whenever you want regardless of the weather or availability of the aircraft.
The DART-750 Simulator is modelled after the real aircraft with high fidelity flight model software representative for the DART-750. The instructor operating station (IOS) brings the flight instructor inside the cabin while having full control over the training session. The comprehensive IOS software provides flight instructors with the same capabilities as they are used to find in a full flight simulator for intuitive operations.
This allows you to focus on skills and technique development from basic to aerobatic flight.