The definition of perfection
The DA42-VI, our latest DA42 version, is easy to fly and burns fuel like a single, but with the added safety of a second engine. The impressive cross-country performance will please you! No wonder it’s the bestselling piston twin, by far.
Brian MeeseThe DA42-VI is wonderful. She does everything you promised. TAS 175-180 with a fuel burn of 13 gph total at altitude. Climbs like a rocket through the ice layer, 1350 fpm and still 1100-1200 at altitude. Radar is great. Use it a lot. Data link is great. Weather and sending emails and SMS at altitude. I don't think there is any other piston twin that comes close price/performance-wise. For those of us who don't want to spend what it takes to fly a turboprop, the DA42-VI is the perfect airplane. Just flew to Oxford England this afternoon. The flight deck was busy. All the tools came into play. What a dream machine!
DA42-VI owner, Sweden
Highlights Advanced Twin Technology
Design Designed for pilot's satisfaction
The interior of the DA42-VI was designed with the pilot and passengers in mind. Enjoy ergonomically designed and climate-controlled seats with variable lordosis support and adjustable backrest. Various luxurious, hand-made upholstering options as well as great optional interior features such as built-in tablet mount provisions for the pilot and co-pilot await you. Style your DA42 the way you want it to be. Express yourself through your customized exterior design and choose almost any color or one of the exciting Diamond standard exterior designs.
Safety Safety by design

Diamond’s industry-leading safety record is the result of our commitment to protecting you and your passengers with a long list of active and passive safety features. Active safety features help to avoid accidents in the first place, the first and most important line of defense. Passive safety features are designed to minimize the probability and degree of injury, in case the unexpected happens.
The DA42 offers the ultimate in handling, stability and control, ease of operation and structural, system and propulsion redundancies, all coupled with a high degree of crashworthiness.
Airframe Sleek all carbon airframe

The sleek all carbon composite airframe incorporates advanced aerodynamics with the latest in passive safety technology for high performance, great efficiency and superior occupant protection. The composite airframe is durable, easily maintained and will keep looking great for many years to come.
Propulsion and Avionics State-of-the-art glass cockpit & Jet fuel power
Jet fuel power and top-notch avionics
The DA42 is powered by the Austro Engine 168hp AE300 with a single power lever control. For more information about our sister company Austro Engine please click here.
The 3 blade MT hydraulic constant speed propellers feature advanced blade geometry for efficient performance, smoothness and low noise. Automatically controlled by each engine’s digital engine control - feathering is as simple as flipping a single switch.
The fully integrated Garmin G1000 NXi is complemented by a long list of avionics options - such as an integrated weather radar and Synthetic Vision - to perfectly suit your mission, .

PistonPower™ - The first hourly cost maintenance program for piston aircraft
PistonPower™ is general aviation’s first and only “Power by the Hour” maintenance program for piston aircraft. The program brings stability and cost predictability to your maintenance budget and peace of mind to your business and personal flying.

Evionica - Training & E-Learning
Just like Diamond Aircraft stands for perfection in manufacturing aircraft, the highest quality and attention to detail, Evionica provides customers with whole new world of aviation computer based training solutions and technologically advanced e-learning solutions. Evionica's Class Rating CBT course for the DA42 provides the next-generation distance learning experience for Diamond pilots.
Awards and Nominations Diamond goes above and beyond!
Diamond has pioneered many aviation firsts and achieved numerous milestones and industry expert accolades.

Golden A’ Design Award 2020
About the award
The Golden A' Design Award is a prestigious award given to products, that have demonstrated an exemplary high level of excellence in design.
Diamond Aircraft is honored to have received the Golden A’ Design Award 2020 in the category Aerospace and Aircraft Design for the twin-engine DA42-VI.

Flying Magazine’s Editors’ Choice Award 2009
“... the company launched parallel programs to: a) re-engine the DA-42 with conventional gasoline-powered Lycomings of much higher power; and b) to develop its own Austro diesel engine — a significant improvement over the original in performance, efficiency and maintainability. The seemingly impossible was completed in a remarkable 18 months.” ~ Statement Flying Magazine ~

Aero News Network – Plane of the Year 2006
Aero-News Network congratulated Diamond Aircraft "for a magnificent effort and for producing an aggressively innovative, yet solid, product", naming the Diamond DA42 Twin Star as 2006 Airplane of the Year in the General Aviation Piston Twin category.
Tech Specs Technical Specifications
Engine | 2x Austro Engine AE 300 turbocharged common-rail injected 2.0 liter diesel engine with 168 HP and EECU single lever control system |
Fuel grades | Jet A-1, Jet A, TS-1 (Russia, Ukraine), RT (Russia, Ukraine), No. 3 Jet Fuel (China), JP-8 |
Range Map Diamond takes you places!
The data are approximately specifications and may change without notice. Range calculation does not consider additional fuel consumption for taxi, take-off, climb, descend or reserve.
Click on your preferred location on the map to see the range.
The data are approximately specifications and may change without notice. Range calculation does not consider additional fuel consumption for taxi, take-off, climb, descend or reserve.
Click on your preferred location on the map to see the range.